This LibGuide is designed to pull together resources relevant to Aged Care into one convenient place. Email to add resources to this page.
Prompt is your first stop for Clinical Reference Documents at NHW. It is NHW's document management portal for policy, procedures and guidelines and also contains forms, templates, checklists and other documents. The Prompt database can be searched from the quick links on the NHW intranet homepage. Registration for offsite access is available if you have access to NHW email at home.
The Medicine eBook Collection comprises over 9000 books designed to provide clinically relevant information to all members of the patient-care team, an integral part of delivering first-rate, comprehensive care. Search the whole Springer Nature collection HERE.
Below is a collection selected relating to Aged Care:
Below is a selection of some of the books relating to Aged Care held in the Library's collection and available for loan. Search the whole collection using our catalogue:
The Commission assesses and monitors quality of care and services against the Aged Care Quality Standards. Information and resources are available to help service providers and consumers understand the Standards. Access the Aged Care Quality Standards resources
Victoria's ageing and aged care agenda supports policy, programs and services to meet the needs of an increasing number of older Victorians with quality care by the best health workers.
This includes supporting older Victorians’ ability to age well by optimising health and wellbeing at all life stages, addressing disadvantage and improving social participation.
The material included in Older people in hospital and the accompanying e-learning and audio visual resources are classified as informal learning opportunities. Professional health practitioners can choose to keep a detailed record of the number of hours spent on this site. This is classified as self-directed and Internet-based learning and contributes to the informal learning component of Continuing Professional Development required for ongoing accreditation.
NARI is recognised as a leading research institute in ageing including falls and balance, pain, dementia, physical activity, healthy ageing, public and preventive health, and health systems evaluation.
GEN is a comprehensive “one–stop shop” for data and information about aged care services in Australia. It reports on capacity and activity in the aged care system focusing on the people, their care assessments and the services they use.
JBI Evidence-Based Carers Manual for Personal Care Workers employed in residential aged care organisations to provide care to consumers living in one of their homes and is based on Recommended Practices that relate to aged care.
JBI Aged Care Evidence-Based Practice Manual is a comprehensive resource which complements and extends from the JBI Carers Manual. Developed with industry leaders including Nursing Directors, public and private sector experts and safety and quality representatives, this manual includes evidence for advanced care needs.